Holy shit. Homestuck in 2023. Let's go.

I know the post canon material is a source of contention for a lot of people. I both like and dislike it. I don't really understand the new characterization of Dirk and never have. Kids got issues. We all know this. But the fact that they took the literally kindest of all of the kids (find a part where he's mean to anyone other than AR/Hal, good luck with that) and turned him into a megavillian just... doesn't really make sense to me. So I really do view the entire post canon as a silly fanfiction. Plus, like, if we're being honest, why would you turn Dirk into the megavillian when Rose is Right There? Let's not even get into the facist Jane potrayal. I could be here all day.

With all that out in the open, I genuinely liked the string of updates posted on October 8th of this year. Seeing Terezi was a breath of fresh air. Even in her depression (which to be fair, if I had to deal with Ult Dirk and Rosebot everyday, I'd probably be depressed too) she was an absolute delight. Easily my favorite part of the update was seeing her in a silly mustache still trying to do mock trials with herself in all roles. Don't even get me started with her calling Dirk the berries and cream lad. Absolutely hilarious.

We got a tiny glimpse of Davebot with his galpal Aradia and honestly? Love Davebot. Always have. His design is so cute. I was just happy to see him again and that's all I have to say about that.

I was also absolutely delighted to see Sollux. We really haven't seen much of any of him in the post canon at all and I fucking missed him. I liked his banter with John, as John, being clueless and kind of insensitive, tries to remember who Sollux is. Sollux doesn't care and just wants to keep playing video games. It's amazing. I don't think Sollux and Roxy are a thing here, but the fact that they're obviously friends and she set him up with some rose colored glasses is very cute and I hope we get to see them interact soon. It's not a friendship I would have expected, but it's absolutely one I'm here for.

Is it perfect? No, of course not. A lot of people argue that Homestuck should have ended at it's ending, and that we should have never bothered with any post canon content at all. I think, in some ways yes, this might have been for the best. But we can't really change that. All I can say is that these updates, the writing, it felt like homestuck. There was a nostalgia here that I felt for homestuck while reading these pages that I haven't felt in a long time. I'm not holding my breath here. I'm not expecting a miracle. But if it keeps envoking that feeling of nostalgia in me, and keeps having writing that feels like the characters I enjoy, then I'm fine with some more homestuck in 2023.