For the rest of December, in between me finishing up work at the Christmas tree farm, me and my new sons bonded and got to know each other. I experimented with different toys, hay bins, and play pens. While a lot of people online recommended dog playpens for their large size I found them instantly problematic as even Edgar could just about slip right through the bars! And he didn't seem to stop trying to wiggle through the bars even after his wide hips wouldn't fit through. It took some trial and error but we eventually found a solution that worked for everyone. We also went thrift store shopping where I picked up various dishes to use as food and water bowls, including a food bowl divided into two with bunnies printed on them. I couldn't resist.

Oscar grooming Edgar sitting on top of a small box I used as a hidey hole, Dec 10th.

Oscar and Edgar hanging out together in their playpen, pictured also is their food dish, Dec 10th.
I also have a cat named Neela, who I adopted 18 years ago, so she's at least that old. Truth be told I know pretty much nothing about her past before adoption. Nowadays she's old and senile and does pretty much nothing but cuddle me and sleep. I wasn't really worried about her at all with the bunnies. She's afraid of bugs. They've been getting a lot pretty well. They're curious about each other but the bunnies set pretty clear boundaries when Neela's getting too curious. Neela's not showing any hunting instincts whatsoever, she's more interested in eating their hay than anything else. Lately she's been trying to go inside their hutch with them with interesting results... I always watch the buns and my cat very closely to make sure I don't need to intervene but I try to let them set their own boundaries.

Edgar and Oscar hanging out in their playpen with Neela sniffing one of the boys. Dec 11th.
It took about a week to get their hutch in, which in the meantime they stayed in their playpen. My mom came over before work in the morning and we built the hutch together. Luckily it was pretty easy! I still keep them in their playpen at least four hours a day. Giving bunnies exerise is really important. But when not out and about I wanted to give them their own space that was large enough for them to be able to hang out. I do like how this hutch turned out. My only real complaint after having it for awhile is that I wish the bottom had two doors instead of just one. If you do decide to get your rabbits a hutch, make sure to get one that has pull out trays for the bottoms like this one has. It makes cleaning so much easier, particularly since I'm disabled.

The Hutch fully built, with one of the buns sticking his head out. Dec 11th
At this point, my mom was having a double knee replacement, which was inoppertune time for bunny documenting, sadly. This was also around the time when I started potty training. So if I wasn't out taking care of her, I was at home, constantly cleaning their cage. I was suprised with how quickly they took to using litter boxes, however, because they weren't fixed at the this time (still too young) it was more of like an 80% litter training rather than full litter box usage. It made me excited for them to finally get fixed, lol.

Oscar and Edgar, enjoying morning pellets. Dec 28th.
We also had a vet follow up on Dec 30th. Bunny vaxinations are two rounds so this was just a general health check up and getting the second dose. I was suprised at how much they had opened up and how much more comfortable they were at their second appointment. They took the vax shots without so much as flinching, and Edgar even wandered in and out of the carrier while Oscar was getting his check up, almost as if he was checking on his little brother, as well as being a curious little guy. Their vet says that they're both very well behaved. : )

Edgar and Oscar in their carrier, eating some hay and waiting patiently for their vet follow up. Dec 30th.