Published in 2021, this was the first zine I ever made. Babies first fucking zine. At the time I was living in a not so ideal living situation and I had just learned about zines so this was a good outlet and which was what got me hooked on making zines to begin with but is not a zine I currently publish due to personal reasons.

After feeling good about the first, I was quick to publish a sequel also in 2021. This one's a bit edgier than the first, with much more content, but I think looking back I liked the simplicity of the first one better. This zine is also no longer being published due to personal reasons.

This was the first zine I made that actually "took off" in a way and also when I took a break from making zines in 2021 because I moved states and just didn't make the time to come back to them. At the time, I was listing my zines on etsy, and while my other two didn't sell at all, I sold or traded away all of my copies of my asexy zine. Which was wild to me at the time! I think I underestimated queer people wanting to read about other queers, lol.
This zine is about being a sex positive person and also being asexual, and generally has a positive/uplifting tone to it. I have much more to say about the topic now, and am considering making a sequel. As the cover suggests, the contents are 18+ and I do ask, in good faith, that you are over 18 if you ask to order this zine. (If I find out you aren't, I'll have to ban you from buying from me in the future, forever, and I do not want to do that. :( )
This zine is $5 USD, shipping free within the US. Please send an email to order!

Published in 2023, this is a zine of bad drawings of my cat, Neela. This was also my way of getting back into zine making after a hiatus. I really love those online blogs of badly drawn meme cats, and wanted to do some of my own pet. Little did I know this would become a series. A big thank you to Neela for being a wonderful model and muse for my art for 18 wonderful years.
This zine is $2 USD, shipping free within the US. Please send an email to order!

I have a habit of making quick sequels sometimes. Also published in 2023, this was originally a gift for my mom that I went ahead and decided to distribute. It's badly drawn art of my mom's cat, Pumpkin, who has much different vibes than my dear Neela. She has a habit of staring at me like she doesn't know who I am, even though she knows exactly who I am, so a lot of these are her staring at the viewer, lol.
This zine is $2 USD, shipping free within the US. Please send an email to order!

Published at the tail end of 2023, I was going to a zine fest and I wanted to have stuff to be able to trade that was different than my cat zines, so I put these together. This is an educational zine showing how to do some of my favorite embroidery stitches.
I wanted to show them off in a unique way, so I stitched into the pages themselves and made photocopies that way. My master copy is a mess full of embroidery thread sticking out of it. I also included some of my favorite links to learn how to do stitches as well, just in case my instructions weren't clear to any readers, lol.
I think the concept is really cool, but the useability will likely vary between readers so I wanted to make sure I included some resources to reference as well.
This zine is $5 USD, shipping free within the US. Please send an email to order!