Finished: Feb 2020
Current Status: Completed, On shelf.
This is the first ever doll I customized and finished, inspired off of a witch type vibe from an old ghoulia doll. I wanted to use yarn to make a yarn wig but I found out that you can only do it with acrylic yarn and not... whatever this yarn is. (I have no idea because I thrifted it) so instead of brushing it out to make wefts I just used the yarn as is to get this cool, chunky locs sort of look that I really like. I made her dress out of an old winter hat and made a vest and hat out of scrap fleece and pleather respectively. Her shoes are just random Monster High shoes that suit her design.
This was also my first time painting a face, and while I have plenty of experience painting period, I do feel like the fact that this was my first faceup shows. At some point late in the process I redid the eyebrows and made them thick and I'm glad I did. I think the thick eyebrows look a lot better. I still do really enjoy this doll, I think for a first attempt, she's incredibly good. I hope I only got better from here, though.