Finished: Nov 2020
Current Status: Complete, at Mom's house
I made this little doll from a Shopkins Apple Blossom doll that I got while thrifting. I actually really love the large heads, it's fun to paint any style of eyes onto them. I made it christmas themed as a gift for my mom for christmas. I probably should have just used a doll of her favorite color, because she leaves it up all year around, lol. I made her little plate of cookies out of clay but my mom keeps that in a seperate little shelf with other minatures she's collected that other family members have made. Which I'm fine with, lol, but it was supposed to be so her hand didn't look so empty. Oh well. Her halo is craft foam that's been painted and sealed on some wire. Everything else is just sewed and embroidered fabric. I'd actually love to work more with one of these dolls sometime. C: