Finished: Feb 2020
Current Status: Complete, Lost During Moving. :C
My first fanart doll, this is a doll of/based on Amy from the Faith series. Though I believe at the time this doll was finished, only the first game of the triology was out. This doll was made using a Cleo body, random arm/hands from a Rochelle, and a random head from an Elsa doll. I thought I was very clever when I thought to use paper mache to cover up the hole where I cut out her face, but honestly? It worked pretty well. I was even able to poke a hole for the arm to go into the face after it had dried. I then painted everything up, sewed a dress onto her, and dirtied the dress up with chalk pastels. This was also my first attempt at yarn for hair and I think it turned out really well. I made the "I don't know how to do this well" work to my advantage for this one.
I really enjoyed making this doll and even tweeted some photos of her out which the dev liked (since I was still on twitter at the time) which was pretty cool. This is another doll that I'm really upset got lost in the move, though I don't think I'd remake her, and if I did, I'd do something in the same spirit, not the exact same doll.